Saturday, October 11, 2008

We're (Almost) Homeowners!

Yep, we took the plunge this weekend and went househunting! And we bought a house! Of course, a million things could go wrong before we close but we are excited to know where we are going to be spending Christmas this year! Here are a few pix of our new home:
From the street

The master bedroom






Kitchen dining area

Living area

Formal dining area


Marianne said...

Holy Cow!!!! So where is this home? It's gorgeous and looks PERFECT!! How many bedrooms? How many square feet? I'm so EXCITED for you guys!!!! FINALLY, a home of your own! YAY!!!!

Tami said...

It is about 10 minutes north of base and is in a little cul-de-sac. It is about 2150 square feet, and 4 bedrooms. We are really excited/nervous! I think it will be a great house for us for a few years. Hopefully, we can sell it when it's time to leave.

Amanda said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!

Lainie said...

NOW is the time to buy! That is awesome!!! Congrats! How long do you think you'll be there???? We'd LOVE to come visit you!!!!

Amy Niebuhr said...

What the heck???? Are you staying longer than one year? Way to go buying!! The yard...the kitchen...a cul-de-sac? I'm not going covet, I'm not going to covet!!!

Laurie said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! We're so excited for you. It looks like you found a gem. Maybe this one we'll actually see in person...

Anonymous said...

Congrats! So where are you guys headed to? Laura Gentile

Tami said...


We are going back to Vance. We are excited to move for the 3rd time in 2 and 1/2 years. :) At least we will be there for at least 3 years.

Garrett, Jen and Kids said...

I'm so jealous!! You guys being back in Enid almost makes me want to come back too! We ar shooting for Hawaii next (if we are lucky). Miss you tons!