Friday, March 2, 2012

I love camping

Especially when I don't have to go!   :)

My lovely husband wanted to go camping on President's day weekend.  Me, not so much.  Something about having to do all the same things I do all day, but without electricity, running water, an oven, 1000 thread count sheets, just doesn't seem very relaxing to me.  I'm just saying.  But luckily, there are three other ladies in the house who are more than eager to conquer the outdoors with their dad.  So, after we returned from stake conference on Sunday afternoon, they packed up and off they went.  Leaving me all allone.  Except for the two dogs who require my constant attention.  So pretty much alone.  

Here they are, the happy campers!  Ready for a nice hike.  If only we didn't live in Oklahoma where it is completely flat.  

Daddy built a lovely fire and they all snuggled around.

 Here is Rachel, proving that a real woman looks fabulous with no makeup on whatsoever! ( I have found this doesn't hold as true once you pass forty.)

 Bekah is completely absorbed in recording their adventures in her trusty notebook.  She loves to write about her daily life.  And her dog Timmey is intently following along.  She is probably writing about the nice purple sleeping bag her daddy bought her so she would stay warm.

Here is the father of them all, topping off the night with some "hot delicious schmoes"!  (Movie line, anyone?)      Scrumptious!  Oh yes, and the smores look good, too!

And what did I do for about 20 hours all by myself?  Well, I didn't have to put ANYONE to bed!  I did not cry myself to sleep.  I blissfully and unapologetically reveled in the silence--and then I did about 5 loads of laundry and cleaned bathrooms and all the normal stuff.  But it was quiet!  It was nice to have everyone back  on Monday afternoon, but would I do it again?  Yes, yes, and yes.  I love camping, remember?  


Marianne said...

I'm so glad you got a little alone time! And I'm glad your girls got a Daddy-Daughter campout. How fun for everyone!!

Movie line: Toy Story 2