Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Few Christmas Goodies

I love candles.  I LOVE these brilliantly creative ideas from the 36th avenue for gifting them.  So easy and adorable!  You can find the tutorial to these cuties HERE

My kids are getting to the age where they are starting to want money instead of presents.  But handing over an envelope isn't very fun.  This super cute idea is from makingmemorieswithyourkids. You can find this tutorial HERE.

You know I am a sucker for anything in a jar.  This is a great keep warm kit in a jar.  This is from 30 days and you can find the tutorial HERE.

I couldn't resist a few more creative money ideas.  These are from top inspired.  You can find them HERE.

And if you are starting to run behind on your holiday gifting, hold off until after Christmas, and deliver some New Year's cheer!  This is an adorable, and very doable gift.  With a free printable!  This one is from create craft love and you can get it HERE.

So, back to the holiday magic!  Hope you all have a wonderful and joyful Christmas season!  And remember in all your gifting, the real reason we do all this-this is a great little video; check it out if you have a minute.


Sierra Roundy said...

These are such cute ideas! Being a cold blooded person I love the keep warm in a jar :)