I don't have a picture for this one, but for one of our activity days, we made some boo bags. I thought this would be a fun service project. I was able to pick up some little halloween colored cloth bags for 4/1.00 at Michael's and also a big container of sticky foam halloween shapes. They decorated the bags, made a card, and then we filled them with candy and little halloween treats...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Send in the Clowns...
6:54 PM

And I just happen to know some! Look how cute they are! Daddy and Ellie were the hit of
Bekah's circus birthday party last week.
We did lots of fun games--like the balloon relay! Bekah is trying so hard to pop her balloon! I think it took her a while!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Activity Days
3:58 PM
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So one of my new callings is the Activity Days leader! I am so excited to work with these great girls. For our first activity last week, we had an Unbirthday Party! I made this cute little bunting for the sheet cake I picked
up. Of course, the icing colors totally don't...
Things I Cannot Live Without
3:48 PM
1 comment
...well, I could, but who wants to?
(in no particular order, except for the way they came into my mind)
1. A good mattress--let's face it, we spend a third of our lives there! It should be good!
2. Chocolate--in many different forms. Cheesecake is a good one. So is a Cadbury Fruit and Nut Bar.
3. Diet Coke--I was never a soda drinker. In fact, I once got...
Peanut Butter Cupcakes in a Jar
3:22 PM
1 comment

I thought it would be fun to send college boy some homemade goodies and I came across this recipe online.
Peanut Butter Cupcakes in a Jar
First, you need some 8 oz. canning jars. These are the wide mouth ones, so they are short and squat. Grease with shortening or spray with cooking...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
yummy treat
2:58 PM
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We had some friends come for dinner and I made this awesome ice cream cake! The recipe was from southern living august.
Yum. It is 106 F right now. I could sure go for this.
Here is the recipe and the link for southern living.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake
my audition for design star!
2:49 PM
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This is my first attempt at reupholstering furniture! Okay, not reupholstering, but I made slipcovers for my couch and chair and a half. I found a great ebook at pink and polka dot that was awesome!
Pay no attention to the bottom. I am waiting for more fabric to be delivered...
What have I been up to?
1:27 PM

About 5'2"! Hee hee. Seriously, I can't believe how long it has been since I have blogged. Since this is supposed to be my journal, I feel doubly guilty. So. Here are some of my recent projects:
This is a cute flower arrangement we used for a prize at a RS meeting...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
spring treats
12:34 PM

So, since it is spring break, I thought it would be fun to make some spring treats with the girls. Here is my attempt at white chocolatedipped oreos. I tried to say T hearts V, but I don't have a very steady hand. They still turned out cute, though! And Vaughn ate them all. :) Here are some other...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday morning musings
8:56 AM
1 comment
So, did you know that you can have tennis elbow even if you don't play tennis? Or that you can throw up several times a week for almost a month without being pregnant? Or that within one week your husband, son , and daughter can all injure themselves?
Actually, I do not play tennis, but I do have tendonitis. In my left elbow. I am right-handed. Apparently, all the work I do around the house...
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sweet Sixteen Surprise!
1:49 PM

We Got Her! Rachel's birthday isn't for a couple of weeks, and since I knew she would be on the lookout for birthday surprises, we had her party on Wednesday night.She thought she was just going to a regular youth activity--Iron Chef at the community center on base.Here she is with some of her cute...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What to do on a snow day
4:25 PM

I love comfort food. And hibernating. And cooking with my kids. (Okay, maybe not so much the last one, but it is getting better now that they don't throw the flour all over the kitchen.) So I love it when we have a snow day like we did last week. We made homemade chicken and noodles. Yum. Here is my...
Question answered
4:20 PM
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So I was wondering why my purse weighs so darn much...Here's the answer! Yes I filled half a jar with change. I am going to the bank tomorrow to see how much was in the...
Friday, January 21, 2011
3:49 PM

So lately, I have been avidly following my new favorite blog,http://www.bakerella.com/ . I saw these awesome cheesecake pops and just had to try them! First you start with a cheesecake. I baked mine, but I think it would be just as good with Sara Lee! Then after the cheesecake was refrigerate for a...
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